🛑المعادلات الحسابية لبعض التحاليل الطبية 💉💉👈🏿👈🏿👇👇منقولة
🔸 Hb conc.
= (Normal Hb X Calculated HCT) / Normal HCT
🔸Hb % adult male = Hb * 6.4
🔸Hb % adult female = Hb * 6.6
🔸Hb % child = Hb * 6.9
🔸Hb = Reading x 36.77 = ……gm. X 6.9 = ……Hb% .
🔸Hct= Hb* 3+1
🔸Ht = Hb(gm) x 3.3 = …%
🔸MCV = [ Ht / RBC’s ] x 10 = ……Fl (femto liter)
🔸MCH = [ Hb(gm) / RBC’s ] x 10 = ….Pg (Pico grams)
🔸MCHC = (Hb / HCT) X 100
🔸Reticulocyte (%) = (Number of Reticulocyte / Number of RBCs) X 100
🔸Reticulocyte (%) = (مجموع عدد الخلايا الموجودة فى الفيلم لعشرة حقول/مجموع عدد كرات الدم الحمراء لعشرة حقول * 100 = ….%
🔸Reticulocyte index = Reticulocyte count X (Patient HCT / Normal HCT)
🔸corrected Reticulocyte count= retic% X patient Hct/normal HctAverage
💉normal hct is 45 for men and 42 for women.
🔸Transferrin saturation (%) = (Serum iron level x 100%) / TIBC
🔸Unsaturated iron-binding capacity ( UIBC ) = Total iron-binding capacity ( TIBC ) – iron
🔹Normal range Transferrin saturation (%) male = 20 – 50 %
🔹Normal range Transferrin saturation (%) female = 15 – 50 %
🔸LDL mg/dl = cholesterol – HDL – ( Triglyceride /5 )
and if cholesterol and triglyceride are high use another equation:
🔸LDL mg/dl = cholesterol – HDL – ( 0.16 * triglyceride )
🔸HbA1c = 0.017 * fructoseamine + 1.61
🔸Fructosamine = ( HbA1c – 1.61 ) * 58.82
🔸BUN [mg/dL]= Urea [mg/dL] / 2.14
(in mg/dL of nitrogen) = Urea (in mmol/L) * 2.8
🔸BUN [mmol/L]= 2x urea [mmol/L]
🔸Creatinine clearance (mL/min): Formula:
(140 – Age) x wt (kg) x F} / (Plasma Creatinine * 0.8136)
Where F = 1 if male, and 0.85 if female
🔸Creatinine clearance (mL/min):Formula:
(140 – Age) x wt (kg) x F} / serum Creatinine * 72)
Where F = 1 if male, and 0.85 if female
🔸GFR ….FOR MALE = (140-age) * (Wt in kg) / (72 * Cr)
🔸GFR ….FOR FEMALE= (140-age) * (Wt in kg)) / (72 * Cr) X 0.85
🔸Creatinine clearance (mL/min)=urine creatinine*urine volume\serum creatinine*Time min
🔹normal range :male 97_137 ml\min
🔹normal range :female 88_128 ml\min
C=(Uc x Tv) / (Sc x 60 x 24)
C: Creatinine Clearance
Uc: مستوى الكرياتينين في البول
Sc: مستوى الكرياتينين في السيرم
Tv: حجم البول المُجمّع في الـ 24 ساعة
24 : ساعة هي عدد ساعات اليوم
60 : هو عدد الدقائق في الساعة الواحدة
🔸Protein conc (g/l) =Abs sample / Abs standard x standard conc.
To determine the 24 hour urinary protein, measure the 24hour urinevolume in ml and assay the urine for protein content (g/l) as perprocedure. Calculate the 24 hour urinary protein using the followingformula :
🔸Protein (g/24h) = urinary Protein (g/l) x TU/1000
Where TU = 24 hour urine volume in ml and 1000 = Converts ml/day to litre/day
Calculated Free Calcium 🔸( ionized calcium ) in mmol/Litre
i) % Protein bound = 0.8 x Albumin (g/L) + 0.2 x Globulin (g/L) + 3
ii) Calculated
🔸Free Calcium (mg / d l ) = T o t a lcalcium – Protein bound Calcium
iii) Calculated
🔸 Free Calcium i n mmo l / L i t r e =Calculated Free Calcium (mg/dl) x 0.25
🔸ionized calcium
=( total ca _ Alb + 4) / 2
🔸ionized calcium = ( total ca * 6 – t.protein / 3) / t.protein +6
🔹Normal range of calcium = 8.8 – 10.5 mg/dl Or 2.2 – 2.55 mmol/l
🔸Corrected calcium(mg/dl) = serum calcium(mg/dl) + 0.8 (4 – serum albumin(g/dl))
🔸Corrected Calcium ( mmol/L) = Calcium (measured, mmol/L) + {(40 – albumin (g/L)) x 0.02}
🔸calcium (mmol/L) = Calcium (mg/dL) x 0.25
🔸albumin (g/L)= Albumin (g/dL) x 10